All Ireland Badminton Final for Coláiste
Mhuire Ballygar
On Wednesday 25 March 2015 a team of Under 14
Boys from Coláiste Mhuire Ballygar, competed in the All Ireland Badminton
Final. The boys Enda Clogher, Cian Naughton,
Karl Healy and Nikodem Mogala qualified as the Connaught Finalists and went
forward to Gormanston in Co Meath for the final.
Coláiste Mhuire Ballygar are very thankful to
Oliver Holmes of Centra Ballygar for sponsoring Hoodies and tops for the boys
for the event. The boys are very
grateful to all who helped them to prepare for the day. They were lucky to have such good facilities
for training at the Mattie McDonagh Centre.
It was a historic day for Coláiste Mhuire as it was the first time that our
students were representing us in an all Ireland Badminton Final.
The day started with a parade of all the
teams taking part. Our boys proudly
carried our school banner. With their
new kit they looked the part and were excited to be part of such a major
competition. Following the parade each
team were allotted a court where their matches for the day took place. There were 16 courts and games were played
non-stop for the day by the competitors.
Our boys represented us well and had some
very close games. They were unfortunate
to come up against an extremely strong team from Kanturk, Co Cork who won the
competition out. Well done and congratulations to all involved especially Mr.
Curran, Mrs. Flanagan, Ms. Berine, Mr. Devaney and Mrs. Clogher.
Coláiste Mhuire students wins top awards in Design and Communications
Graphics Competition
Conroy and Aaron Traynor were shortlisted in the Galway Mayo Institute of
Technology best DCG (Technical Drawing) project in the regional Galway finals.
Siafra actually came out in First place in a male dominated shortlist as shown
by the photo. Well done to Siafra, Aaron and their teacher Mr. Madden.
Mhuire Ballygar, footballers made it to a Connaught final by beating Roscommon
Community College in what was an exciting semi final.
Our full
backline of Conor Downey, Simon Tomas and Sam O Sullivan were outstanding and
when called upon goalie Cian Finneran, he too excelled between the posts.Adam Farrell and Karl Healy combined very well to
score some great points especially in the second half when Ballygar pulled
clear of Roscommon. Darragh Keegan used his speed to great effect scoring an
excellent goal. Congratulations to Mr. Madden and all team members.
Past pupil Edward Conlon pays a return visit to Senior Cycle Construction class
On Thursday
last Coláiste Mhuire senior cycle students had a visit from one of their own past
pupils, Mr. Edward Conlon, from Conlon Consulting and Engineering, Racecourse
Road, Roscommon. Edward spoke to the 5th Year Building Construction
class on aspects of chartered engineering.
Despite the adverse weather Edward gave the class a practical demonstration on
using some specialist equipment. He also stayed on to speak to the
LCVP class about his journey as a student in Coláiste Mhuire to setting up and
running his own company. We wish Edward the best of luck with his new company.
Thank you to Mr. O’Leary for organising this event for his lucky students.