Monday 21st October
Our German tour took place to
Munich over the weekend. The students and their teachers, Ms. Casey and
Mr. McDonnell, had a wonderful time and arrived back on Monday evening
refreshed, relaxed and really looking forward to school Tuesday!
Apparently we have some very talented divers among our students. They really enjoyed their time in the swimming pool.
They also visited the Salt Mines and did a small bit of shopping.
Pictures are in the tour gallery.
Anti-Bullying Talk
school once again welcomed Séan Fallon to speak about the Anti-Bullying
Campaign. Séan spoke to all students and also to our parents on Monday
night. This year we have adopted the campaign in the school. This means
we are focusing on the 3 R's - Reduce, Reject and Report bullying. Our
procedures are in line with the new guidelines issued by the Department.
If you would like to read more about this campaign look at