Coláiste Mhuire celebrates 1916
Following on from our wonderful ceremony for former staff member and Easter 1916 volunteer Seamus Bevan in November 2015, the school community in Coláiste Mhuire has actively participated in a range of events to commemorate the men and women of 1916.

At the beginning of March, the school was ably represented by Ms. Mary Higgins, Mr. John O' Leary and students Maeve Gilmore, Cian O' Leary and Matthew Roche at the National Commemoration Ceremony held in Croke Park, Dublin. Over 800 schools were in attendance to receive the tricolour and a copy of the proclamation. Master of Ceremonies was Ryan Tubridy, and President Higgins gave an inspirational oration on his vision for Ireland and the importance of Ireland's 2016 centenary programme, while the very talented Seo Linn entertained the crowd. Transition Year student Maeve Gilmore had the proud honour of accepting the flag and a copy of the Proclamation from a representative of the defence forces and, the afternoon concluded with a rousing rendition of the National Anthem Amhran na bhFiann by the army band.

On the afternoon of March 15th, the school community once again came together for a memorable and spell-binding afternoon of music, spoken word and dancing, culminating with the raising of the national flag in the school’s courtyard. Thanks to event organisers Mr. O’Leary, Ms. Higgins and Ms. Mc Guinness and all talented staff and students who gave of their time and talents to ensure that the afternoon was a marvellous experience for all present. Mr. O’Leary also organised and curated an exhibition within the school of memorabilia from circa 1916. Thanks to all local families, staff, students and their parents who generously loaned artefacts for the duration of the exhibition. Photographs and links to video footage of Coláiste Mhuire’s 1916 celebrations, taken by Ms. Miriam Cuddy are available on the school’s website www.colá

Earth Day
On Earth Day, April 22nd, students from Coláiste Mhuire Ballygar, working in conjunction with Ballygar Tidy Towns took part in An Taisce’s Spring Clean campaign. The students took responsibility for cleaning up the forest between the school and the Forest Pitch. The sun shone that afternoon, and plenty of litter was picked and the most unusual piece collected was a safe! Thanks to Ms. Casey and 1st Year students on the Green-School committee, 2nd Year German students and TY students.

Lights! Camera! Action! - For the environment
In order to promote correct use of bins, the young students composed a Rap, ably assisted by Ms. Casey, Ms. Cuddy and Ms. Brogan.  The action was caught on film, and post-production work is well underway.  We hope to share details on social media in the future.

National Awards for Alan and Michaela!
Congratulations to Alan Hevehan and Michaela Roche whose entries to the Mental Health Ireland Art & Photography Competition were displayed recently in an exhibition in Dublin City Council Office. Their artworks were among only 24 works selected from over 1500 nationwide entries and both students were awarded the title of Highly Commended. Alan's photograph perfectly captures the theme 'Minding my Mental Health' by reminding us that taking a moment out to appreciate small moments of calm, beauty, friendship and nature can help make life's journey (or a hike up a mountain!) much more rewarding. Michaela's fun minion inspired graphic design creates a sense of positivity and good humour, again reinforcing the importance of helping one another in life.
The awards ceremony in Dublin City Council was well attended and artist and adjudicator Lisa Butterly gave a wonderful description of each work on display. Well done to Ms. Cuddy and all involved. And to the other students in our school who also entered this competition for your creativity & imagination in promoting mental health awareness!

Board of Management’s Welcomes Positive Whole School Evaluation Report of Management, Leading and Learning in Coláiste Mhuire
The Board of Management of Coláiste Mhuire welcomes the publishing of a wonderfully affirming inspection report arising from a Whole School Evaluation of Management Leading and Learning carried out within the school in January 2016.

The detailed report remarks upon the excellent practices already in place in Coláiste Mhuire and, also provides positive recommendations for the school community’s ongoing development. In particular, specific strengths in relation to teaching and learning in the school are noted- good or very good teaching and learning with exemplary practices also noted 

Furthermore, the visiting inspectors highlighted the high priority school management and staff places on care for students. Indeed the positive atmosphere and respectful relationships which permeates life in Coláiste Mhuire was evident and remarked upon in the published report. Similarly, the inspectorate noted the broad curriculum offered in Coláiste Mhuire in the context of its size and, commented on the very high levels of satisfaction with the school from all educational partners- staff, students and parents.

The school’s excellent Transition Year programme also came in for special mention as offering a wide range of experiences to students and as being very well coordinated. While Coláiste Mhuire’s guidance counselling service was also complimented as providing students with regular, very well-informed inputs in relation to study skills and on its comprehensive subject-choice booklet developed for students.

Principal Emma O’ Malley is delighted that the inspection team pinpointed the high level of management and leadership capacity at all levels and, in particular the exceptional level of volunteerism which was evident among staff. Additionally, the inspectorate acknowledged the proactive and ambitious school leadership within Coláiste Mhuire, strong and productive links with the local community and the school community’s exceptional commitment to environmental responsibility. The report in its entirety can be viewed on the Department of Education and Skills website.

Invitation to Careers and Colleges Exhibition in Coláiste Mhuire
Transition Year students are putting the finishing touches to their Careers and Colleges Exhibition which will be held in the school between 10am-1pm on Wednesday, May 18th 2016.

Third level providers the National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Athlone Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology Sligo, University of Limerick, Limerick Institute of Technology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick and Maynooth University have all confirmed their attendance on the day. Additionally, SOLAS (formerly FAS) will be on site to provide up to date information on apprenticeships, while Youth Work Ireland will promote their annual guide for school leavers entitled ‘Flying the Coop’. The school will also have an information stand on our PLC offerings for next year.

On that same morning, a number of past pupils and members of the local Ballygar community have graciously given of their time to meet with students and offer advice and expertise on their chosen career paths and professions, in which a young person may find themselves interested.

Transition Years extend a warm welcome to all parents, members of the local community and friends of Coláiste Mhuire to come along between 10am and 1pm on the morning of Wednesday, May 18th and chat with representatives from the various career areas and school liaison officers from all colleges and universities present.

To Hell or to Connacht!

Coláiste Mhuire Junior footballers beat Coláiste Muire agus Padraig Swinford by 5 points to make it the Connacht finals on May 17th next. Coaches Micheal Hannon, Noel O’ Malley and Eamon Madden were very impressed with the first half performance where Darragh Keegan led the way with great goals. Coláiste Mhuire, playing against the wind in the second half were in danger of letting an impressive lead slip away but rallied greatly with 10 minutes on the clock. The Coláiste Mhuire team remain undefeated on their way to the final and are eagerly looking forward to meeting opponents Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh on May 17th In Ballyhaunis.