Thursday 28th November
Prayer Service
Fr. Breslin officiated at our Prayer Service today. It was a short service to remember all of our deceased. A number of our students took part by reading prayers. Fr. Breslin then blessed the Remembrance Tree. Each year Tom, our caretaker, erects a tree in the Assembly Hall. Each student in the school is then invited to write the names of people they would like to remember on a paper tag. These tags are personalised by the students and then they hang them on the tree. The tree remains in the hall for the month of November as a reminder to all of our school community. Fr. Breslin also blessed our new sacred space in the entrance porch to the school.
Junior Football
Our Junior Boys Football team were defeated by HRC Mountbellew today in a cracking match in the forest pitch. This was end to end football with both teams committed to outscoring each other. In the end we were beaten by five points in a spirited display.